Tuesday, April 28, 2009


See I was going to name this post after the song i was listening to but seeing the song title was "dirty second hands" i went with "awakening" :D 

I guess you can say i lied prematurely in my last post. I'm not going to post about annual sports day. did nothing interesting, so i have nothing interesting to tell. So instead, I'm going to blog about something more interesting : BOON

Thats right. the one and only Tan Boon Hoe.
Okay I didn't really have anything to say about him. He made me blog about him. :p 
Well thats not really true either. I had nothing better to blog about. He suggested him -.-
Boon's name spelt backward is noob............
Okay, I'll continue this insight on boon when i have more flattering things to say. cheers.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

You and me

Im dedicating this post to DEBBIE and subsequently JUDAH. Since they were nice enough to let me stay at their house till my parents finish lunch. Although debbie was being mean to me. I kinda ditched her at the medal presentation :p she loves me.

[Note: the following text has been edited slightly in comparison to original events due to short term memory lost]

-Debbie : "Audrey you just lost your ride home"
-They were going to drop me home when i figured there would be no one home.
-"I would vote you as captain next year. Oh wait I can't vote. I wanna vote you so that
your house will lose" [or something along those lines.]

Judah's mean to me too.
me : "Debbie hates me now"
Judah: "It runs in the family"

Some funny things about Debbie:
She has no tan line.
[its the truth. and its scary. its the scary truth]
She laughs at everything. every lame thing.
She says things like "potato couch" and doesnt realize it. at least not by herself.
She can't pull off "the stare". She's just too cute. 
She fell asleep on the floor of my gym. [Hence awesome picture of her]

In the car [check it out. i can blog about 3 out of 5 siblings in one post]:
David sees police looking people.
"Hurry up put on your seat belts"
Deborah to me :
"You're paying your own fine"
"We're underage. driver pays our fines"
"owh yeah"
Debbie is awesome. Judah is awesome-er. 
[i know i make you guys happy]

Judah is my pet cow.
Deborah is my pet cow's sister.
I needed a picture of judah to make this post complete. 
Good thing i have just about 20 pictures of him in my phone. 
Wonder how those got there.
Coming to blog posts near you : ANNUAL SPORTS DAY

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


My dad just killed a huge bee by whacking it with a towel. be impressed. 
Okay a lot of homework to get done so tata :)
[Yes that was all i wanted to say. Be patient with me. I promise your patience will be rewarded]

Monday, March 30, 2009

Sry teacher i had to post this picture :D

Thats Fen and Athira at the back being disgusted :p 

Add ons and announcements

I now own an awesome bouquet of paper flowers courtesy of ALEXIS LEE :D [i still hav your "clothes" btw] 
oh and a pack of famous amos cookies :D thanks jamie. i know your not going to read this but still. 

owh and i remember another thing that happened : i got a cut on my left hand and burnt my right. neither of which i believe is my fault. 

Someone left a white sleeveless shirt at my place. make yourself known. before i decide to turn it into a kite and fly it off my balcony. 

This may be irrelevant to my previous post but a quick reminder. WEN LIN IS COMING HOME PPL. I REPEAT. WEN LIN. IS. COMING. HOME. :p:p [i hope she sees that. I'm REALLY sry if ppl weren't suppose to know. heh]

BBq in the storm.

Yesterday was apparently fun. i wasn't there for quite a bit of time so i can't really say anything. In other words I'm indirectly calling you guys liars :p 
I lost count of the amount of times i went up and down the lift. 
There better have been enough food. Cause i barely ate :p
I got cake smashed in my face. and thrown in the pool. multiple times. [i promise the first time was involuntary] 
The charcoal got wet. and we didnt have alot of extra. so our bbQ party turned into an oven party :)
I found out today my laptop was messed with while i was gone. 
I now own a few things i never thought i would own FOR EXAMPLE :
waterproof UNO cards [who knew they exited??]
a tiny pink cow
a round blue slightly distorted elephant soft toy
I now know what its like to be sung to. not counting birthday songs. 
Special shout out to Kabileish/ Kabileish's mom for the present :p:p
My favorite birthday card says something along the lines of me being a product malfunction. 
Thanks to everyone for your presents :) Love them all. [coughbooncough] *really wide grin*
Thanks to whoever the new songs in my itunes came from. 
Few other things happened which i'm not going to post about either because im lazy or i think more things happened but nothing did or its inappropriate. 
This post should explain the origins of my previous post. My idols :p [i would include judah's picture but its mean and beneath me HAHAHA]

My Heroes

Leader of my heroes : JUDE
lol. enjoy :)